Monday, September 29, 2008


I have three kiddos under 2 today. It looks like I'll be keeping them for a while. Brayden is 4 mos and Rilee is 16 mos. Both are really sweet kids and it's been easier than I anticipated. I know it's the first day, but it's off to a great start!

Dad's angioplasty went well. He has one stent in and will get out of the hospital tomorrow morning. I'll go up there tonight to see him - after the babies go home and David gets up.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Josh has starting giving kisses. He's pressed his mouth against my cheek or neck for a while to give kisses, but lately he's trying to make the smack noise. haha. He will cluck his tongue on the roof of his mouth while he's pressing his mouth on my cheek. He's so stinkin' cute!

I gave blood today! I've never done it, in spite of trying several times in the past. Carter came to our church and had the drive during service.

We have home team tonight. I love it!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yesterday was Dad's retirement party at work. It was really nice.

My Mom called me this morning to let me know that Dad has to have angioplasty surgery on Monday. I got a little ticked that they've decided to keep this under wraps until now since they've known about it for a while. It's not like he's just anybody or anything like that. But I do understand how my Dad is about people fussing over him and how much he hates that. I just don't want anything to be wrong with my Dad. He has a 70% blockage on an artery that they'll take care of. He should be back to normal by Thursday next week, so it's pretty easy to get over.

Oh, have I ever mentioned I have the cutest baby in the world? He pretty-much is.

He also has his own language...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Things have been busy!

I haven't really had time to even sit down, much less blog - and this one's on the fly! Josh is sleeping, I just had a shower and still need to get dressed and the boys will be home in about an hour.

This weekend was Cody's 13th birthday! Wow, 13. That's crazy. He had just turned 9 when I met him. He's grown so much - and not just in height.

Cody's Mom and Grandma came up for the weekend to hang out with him, bring him birthday presents and see his game on Saturday. I met them for him on Friday night and came home with Emily. It was nice to have her!

Emily, Joshua, Jacob and I got up on Saturday morning and went to Jacob's baseball game. Jacob played absolutely awesome! I love watching him. Ceth came and got him at the game and Emily, Joshua and I came home. Lisa came over (after watching the game too) and ate lunch with us. Josh didn't get much of a nap, but that's ok. Jake had a meeting from 4-7 at the church, which I had to be at the first hour of for Timothy Team (more on that some other time). Ceth met us there and then picked him up when it was over.

The three of us went over to Monika's and hung out with her and Jenna. Monika made dinner (gasp!) and the girls played the wii. It was lots of fun!

Sunday morning, we slept in and then Cody's mom and grandma brought him back and picked up Emily. Cody, Joshua and I went to Euless to pick up Jake after Joshua's nap, then headed over to Granny Franny's house for a little bit. It's always nice to go over there.

On the way home, we stopped by Walmart and picked up some stuff for the week. I let Cody pick out some stuff for dinner and we came home.

It was really nice to have the house quiet for me and Josh this morning. He's getting so big and I'm so thankful to get to be home with him.

Here's a clip of Jenna and Emily. They are too funny!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I read this today in's blog. Again I'll just say wow. I'm going to read some later on and see what questions I can find that I should be asking myself as my husband's wife. I've read the passage in Ephesians that this comes from, just can't do it all right now.

--7 great questions for every husband to ask himself...

(1) Am I submitting to my wife out of reverence for Christ? (Eph. 5:21)

(2) Am I laying down my life for my bride as Christ did for His? (Eph. 5:25)

(3) Am I consistently sharing the Word with my wife? (Eph. 5:26)

(4) Am I looking out for my wife's needs and concerns like I tend to look out for my own? (Eph. 5:28)

(5) Am I united with my wife? (Eph. 5:31)

(6) Am I considerate and understanding with my wife? (1 Peter 3:7)

(7) Do I treat my wife with the respect she deserves as my partner and heir of the gift of life? (1 Peter 3:7)

A tall order. I wish I could say I have these things down. I wish I could say it all comes easy. But I can't.Asking myself is one thing. Asking a friend for their observations would be another. Asking my wife would be to take this extremely seriously.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jenna's 13!

My sweet friend Monika's daughter, Jenna had her 13th birthday party today. She is so precious!

I went over there last night to make ice cream cake and sopapilla cheesecake. I guess they were a success as we had to leave because Joshua was melting down.

Oh, and yes, this is me putting off studying, but I'm gonna have to get after it...

Friday, September 12, 2008


I hope this mess gets easier as I get more acclimated to thinking "school" again.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

This is really funny to me...

Endosymbiosis Theory explains how eukaryotes could evolve from prokaryotes. Cells engulfed other cells that became mitochondria and chloroplasts.

In English, science is saying that multi-celled organisms (plants and animals) evolved from single-celled organisms (bacteria, etc.) by sucking in other single-celled organisms and then they magically became small parts that magically started functioning just how they needed to, evolving into the parts inside the cell.



How can anybody study anything to do with Biology and not believe in God? We are studying the cell right now, which should be no surprise since it's beginning Biology. It fascinates me. I love to understand how it all works. I guess I'm a nerd at heart, but it's truly amazing to think about how God put everything together. He is so very creative. Amazing.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

This might get long....

I've been doing alot of thinking lately. That's scary, huh?

Anyway, it's time to really get real about rising up in my faith. It's more than that, really. I have been challenged. It's time to start spending regular time in my Bible and with God. I've got a schedule now where there's no real excuse, as if there ever really was an excuse. It's time to stop making excuses for unholy living. God doesn't make excuses.

It's scary to me how if you asked the average "Christian" who God is, they're happy to tell you how much God loves you and wants to "be there for you". I apologize if this offends somebody, but He is so much more than a God who catches us when we fall. That's not what it is all about. He calls us to holy lifestyles. He does not make excuses when we sin. He forgives, yes, but that is not a license to do whatever we want.

This post will probably be all over the place.

I'm sick of the pat you on the back Christianity that people live in. God forgives, yes. He loves, yes, but He's not just fire insurance.

I'm sick of an accepting lifestyle. God hates sin, it's that simple. He does not accept it. He does not allow us to just sit in it or keep on sinning because "everybody's human". (This is not meant to be judgmental.) I'm sick of Christians being embarrassed or quiet about their holy lifestyles. I'm not saying we need to be hard-nosed and ugly, but we can take a stand against sin in our lives.

God is not tolerant. No-matter what anybody says. He is forgiving, through Christ, but not tolerant. That is one of the hugest mistakes the Church is making (except for maybe the pre-trib rapture idea, but that's a different post). There are very clear directions in the Bible about removing sin from the Church. There are so many eschelons that this pertains to. Our bodies are the Temple, also the actual body of believers that is the Church. He gives us specific instructions about removing sin from both areas.

Another huge mistake is painting Christ as someone who just gives us warm fuzzies. He is love, but love is not a feeling or emotion. Affection is an emotion. Lust is an emotion. Love is not. Read 1 Cor 13. There is not anything about what Love is that feels. It's all action. The Bible paints a completely different picture of Christ. He is compassionate, yes, but he will be a warrior when he returns to Earth.

Enough for now.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I got the sweetest birthday present

from my niece. She got a shoebox, wrote all over the top and filled it with things that she thought I would like. She put a bottle of water, some beads, a drawing, a couple of packages of fruit loops (grab and go snacks), some fruit snacks and a playdough creation (that still has to dry) in the box. She is so stinking cute. I think it's one of my best birthday presents ever. I love that kid.