Thursday, February 24, 2011


I'm at 15 pounds! Yay! I can tell such a difference. I'm in the "next size down" pants in my closet. I've got two more of "next size down" sizes in there before I'll have to go out and buy some clothes. I think that's fantastic.

I do not plan to keep the bigger sizes this time. I've always done that before and always yo-yo'd. I know that my mind is being renewed to correct eating and I'm not going back.

There is such a difference in me when it comes to eating. My body feels different and I am changing. My whole way of thinking is changing.

It's also trickling down into my family. I no longer buy junk snack foods at all. I don't buy soft drinks or sugary juices. I do get chips and salsa from the Whole Food Market. They aren't heavy chips and salsa eaters, so pretty-much only have it on nights we eat Mexican style foods. As we use the items that are not so good for you - like oils and such - I'm buying better for you foods.

I love it! My skin and hair look better and feel better than they have in years. As I am losing weight, I would expect my stretch marks to be looking worse, but they are actually looking better and better. I believe this comes from the berries in the smoothies and all the flax seed oil.

It's amazing how our bodies respond when we treat them as God created them to be treated.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


God is really showing me some stuff with fasting lately. He's using some really practical things in my life to show them to me, most of which I really can't put here.

When I'm fasting, I perceive so much more in the spiritual realm than I do when I'm not. I know that should be a no-brainer, but it's becaming a reality to me - not just head knowledge.

Fasting is showing the flesh that the spirit is in control. It's training it, so to speak, for spiritual dominion over it. It's practicing taking control over the flesh when it's not a crisis so that when there is a time when the spirit needs to be non-negotiably in control, the flesh is used to hearing its commands.

I really wish I was better at expressing myself when it comes to spiritual things. I know I'm not a teacher, and that the Holy Spirit will give me what I need in certain circumstances. He's done it before and will do it every time. Fasting opens up the realm of understanding. With the flesh subdued, I can see more clearly the things the Father is showing me.

The scripture (can't remember where it is now) that says "awake unto Righteousness" comes to mind. When I'm fasting, it seems that everything is brighter, crisper, easier to comprehend. It's like I've opened up a porthole to the spiritual realm by crucifying my flesh. I'm more awake unto the Righteousness that I am in Him.

It makes sense, really.

The FFP is really a lifestyle fast for me. It's not about my physical form. When I'm trying to change the physical, I can be successful for a time, but will always return to the ingrained way of thinking/living, with the flesh in control. As I allow the spiritual to dominate, my mind is renewed to walking in the Spirit and the physical just follows.

Just like in the Spirit, Soul and Body teaching - If you line up the soul and the spirit, the body follows. I will lose weight, but that's no longer of the utmost importance to me. I want to be awakened unto Righteousness - more and more each day. I know that fasting is one of the tools that God has given us to do just that. Two of the others are Communion and praying in the Spirit (tongues). When all three are combined regularly, well, just wow!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

"I'm happy at you."

That's how Josh says he's happy with somebody. "I'm happy at you." I think it comes from "I'm mad at you." Maybe. I don't know. But I think it makes more sense, really.

If you're experiencing an emotion, you're not necessarily experiencing it with somebody as much as at somebody. He also says he's sad at you, or just about anything else at you. Cute.

I love my kids.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Bible School Student and Fat Flusher...

5:30 am - bounce out of bed and drink lemon water and long life cocktail

5:45 am - shower

6:00 am - eat breakfast of piece of Ezekiel bread toast, 2 eggs with flax and blueberries

6:15 am - finish getting dressed and ready for the day

6:45 am - leave for amazing Bible school

8:00 am - Bible school starts :-)

11:50 am - Bible school ends :-(

12:30 pm - eat lunch of chicken breast and salad

1:30-2:00 pm - Joshua gets a nap

3:30-4:00 pm - Joshua gets up

5:30 pm - eat dinner of a smoothie for me and something else for everybody else

10:00ish pm - drink lemon water, long life cocktail and bedtime

Unless, of course, you're iced and snowed in, like today. Then it throws it all off. That's ok, though.

Monday, February 07, 2011


I've totally been making it wrong! How dumb!

I was supposed to do 4 oz of cranberry juice to 28 oz of water. Well, I did it to make a total of 64 oz of water. I feel like such a dork. I drank it correctly today and well, it was a bit stronger.

Hmmm...oh, well.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

I hate eggs...

But I love this recipe I found on a FFP messageboard the other day.

I didn't take a picture because it doesn't look very pretty.

Whisk two eggs in a bowl. Add 3 Tablespoons of ground flax seeds, 2 Tablespoons of water and 4 packets of Splenda. Mix that up really well and then add about 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries.

The recipe said to make it like a pancake, but I made it like scrambled eggs. I sprayed a bit of olive oil Pam on the pan first to keep it from sticking.

It is sooo yummy with some cinnamon on top!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Snow Days

So, the kids will be out for their 4th day tomorrow. I actually have enjoyed it quite a bit.

We did get out today for a Walmart run. Our drive and street are about 1 1/2 - 2 inches thick of ice. On the street, there were a few patches of concrete that the sun had melted yesterday, but it was still rather slick. Our drive was crazy getting back up. David had to back into the drive across the street and sorta shoot into ours and into the garage. Fun stuff.

Joshua's getting a little stir crazy, but we got him Candyland and Chutes and Ladders today at Walmart. He's playing Candyland with David right now. We had a round earlier today.