Sunday, February 10, 2008

Jacob is so my kid...

I just caught him reading under the covers with a flashlight. I don't know how many times I was caught doing that at his age.

Josh got his very first haircut today. He was such a champ! He never even acted like it concerned him that they were cutting his hair. He sat in a little yellow car and watched Blue's Clues on the tv. I was sad to see it go, but he looks absolutely adorable. I haven't taken any pictures just yet, but will.

The boys had baseball tryouts yesterday. They both did really well, but Jacob rocked! He hit a line drive out to right field and a couple of base hits. Only one went foul, but he hit it every pitch. Cody did fine.

The boys choir is in full swing now. They had their kick-off party last night from 6-9 and both had a blast. Cody is way more into the choir thing than Jacob is, but they're both liking it. I have gotten to listen to them practice a bit both practices and they sound absolutely awesome already. It's gonna be a great year for them.

Both boys are already making friends. Both have some at church and some in our neighborhood. They'll soon have some on their baseball team. They were already making friends at the tryouts yesterday.

The big boys got haircuts too today. Jake did his usual prep look and Cody is letting his get a little longer. I'm so glad to see them being more individual with their styles and personalities. That's one of the things I wanted for them with homeschooling - that they wouldn't run with a crowd at all.

Ok, I'm going to bed with a book - I'm exhausted.

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