Monday, August 23, 2010

Crippled Christians

I was just reading a blog about a set of quads that I follow. They are amazing, beautiful boys and I enjoy reading about them. Their Mom writes a chronicle of their daily lives and previously wrote of their journey with infertility. I had not read them all, so was spending some time this morning going through some older posts. At one of the older posts, she had a link to their old blog before it got too big for blogger to handle and they moved it all to wordpress.

Anyway, it had a link to their church. I followed the link and started reading their statement of belief. Everything was all good until they got to the parts on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. They believe that the gifts of speaking in tongues, the working of sign miracles and healing in the first century church were temporary sign gifts and are not for the church today.

That is so very sad. In my mind, I saw a stick figure walking with a cane. I realized that it was the picture of a crippled Christian. That's how the Christian without the Holy Spirit lives. They are in the race, but they are never able to run. They will always be tired. They are saved, yes, but well, crippled.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives as Believers is critical. I cannot imagine trying to run this race with a cane.

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