Monday, June 30, 2008

Maybe TMI? but still cute I think

The other day, I was putting up laundry in our closet. Joshua went running by me as fast as he could to the bathroom. He gets in there and slams the door (as usual). I'm so afraid he's going to lock himself in there that I've been practicing with picking the lock. haha. Anyway, I get to him and he's grabbed the toilet paper and pulled off a piece. When I opened the door, he pointed at his diaper and said, "Mom, poooooop". He squatted down in the bathroom and acted like he was wiping with the toilet paper. It was hilarious! He's been telling me lately when he needs his diaper changed. I'm hoping this is some sort of a sign that he'll potty train easily? Maybe that would make up for all the no-sleeping issues we had? Oh, I hope so!

Jacob is at Mom's until Wednesday when they'll bring him and Karleigh back to me. Mom and Dad leave Thursday for their summer vacation. They'll be gone at least two weeks. Cody and Emily come home tomorrow, so we'll have a full house. Trace will be here most days, so most days, we'll have 6 kids! I sure have appreciated and enjoyed the first half of this summer being so quiet. It's been nice.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's cake!


Monika brought this over for dessert for our Bible study (which is going absolutely awesome, by the way). We're going through the book of Romans. We were all talking tonight about how amazing God is in that we never, ever would have dreamed that the three of us would be sitting around studying the Bible together. We were all very wild teenagers, and alot of that was done together. God is a God of miracles, though. He's truly amazing!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I uploaded the pics from my camera.

tired baby

yogurt and cheetos, mmmm!

Uncle Julio's, double mmmm!

Granny Franny has a tv too!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Joshua's shadow

I couldn't get any pictures of him kissing it - he was too fast, but this is still so cute...

green hair and face paint

Jacob and Karleigh had VBS last week. Well, Karleigh had VBS and Jacob was Jr. Team Leader. He took his role as Jr. Leader of the Atomic Fizz (green team) very seriously...

Karleigh was on the Flash Fusion (yellow team). It was sooo much fun!

We took Trace every day with us, but he wasn't here for pictures. :-(

Friday, June 13, 2008

No Other Gods

I'm so excited. Beth Moore has a blog and is doing a book study on a book called 'No Other Gods' by Kelly Minter. She will post on her blog about it and then we are to get together with hopefully somebody else and discuss it. A lady named Rebecca came up with the ingenius idea of starting a message board for those of us with nobody to get together with. Yay! What a great idea! I can't wait to get my copy (hopefully soon in the mail) and get started!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Somebody in San Antonio checks out my blog early!
Ok, why does this always happen? Just as soon as I brag about Joshua's sleeping, he pulls a night like last night. I have been up since 3:30. Yup, and now he's in bed and I can't go back to sleep because the kids have VBS in a little while. I've already showered and all that, so now I just have to get everybody else up and ready. I'll wake Josh on the way out and he'll just have to deal with it. It sure would be nice to sleep until about 9 with him.

Maybe I'll get a nap with him today. Haha. That's funny.

Monday, June 09, 2008

I will never, ever take sleeping for granted.

I promise. Josh has been sleeping well for a while now and it is so beautiful. He goes down around 9:30 at night and gets up around 8:30 in the morning, then takes about a 2 hour nap in the afternoon. Beautiful.

I used to kinda' give Dena a hard time about Kerstyn's sleep schedule and how protective she was of it, but no more! I repent! I totally understand and can offer the deepest sympathies to mothers who are not getting their sleep. I hope and pray with all my heart that time is completely over for us and we'll only have the occasional bumpy nights from here on out. And now I find myself just as protective of Joshua's sleep as Dena was - if not more. Sleep is absolutely sacred in our house now.


Sunday, June 08, 2008

a really nice weekend

We went to Wichita Falls to visit some friends. We haven't been there since March. Before that, we hadn't been there since October when we moved and then had my surgery. I wasn't in much of a visiting mood after the surgery, though, so we didn't stick around.

Friday, when David got off work, we headed to Chris and Mistie's house. David took a nap there and we hung out until after Dinner.

Our dear friends' daughter, Leah, turned 2 on Saturday, and Joshua was her honored guest. Actually, we were all named Joshua as far as Leah was concerned. Anyway, we ushered in her 2nd Birthday in style. She had a trip to Pizza Hut, a huge cookie cake and presents. And I forgot my camera (gasp!). It was like being nekkid! We had a wonderful time with Tim and Laura.

This morning, we went to church where we used to go. I loved seeing everybody and didn't realize how much I miss them until I saw them again. It was like visiting an old friend, but not like home anymore. After church, the guys went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and the girls took all 8 children through drive throughs and back to Mistie's house to hang out for a while. There were lots of babies!

I doubt we'll even go up there much after March. Most of our friends will either be PCS'd or separated by then and we won't have anybody to visit. I am very thankful to the Air Force for the friends we've made.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

She's not supposed to ask to go to the pool.

So, she's found about 18,000 ways to NOT ask to go to the pool! HAHA!

"Sure would be a great afternoon to be at the pool."

"Jacob, wouldn't you just love it if Katie would take us to the pool?"

"I sure could be swimming right now."

"Isn't this just the cutest swimsuit, Katie? It's right here in my bag if I were to need it today."

"Those kids sure do look like they love that pool!"

"I bet Joshua would love to swim!"

I guess it's obvious that Karleigh's been here for a few days. She was instructed very carefully by Granny Becky that she is not to ask me if I'll take her to the pool. Her creative 6-year old mind has come up with many, many others besides what's listed here to suggest I take her without coming out and asking. I love that kid. Oh, and she's been to the pool twice since Sunday.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I know, I'm strange

but I can be strange if I want to.

I've always, always, always loved cemeteries. I love how peaceful they are. There is one close to our house that I've always loved to go out and just sit in. Zion Cemetery's first burial was 1859. It's still active today, but is very small and quiet. I took a break yesterday and went out there for a bit. The sun was just right, so I took some pictures.