Monday, January 24, 2011

A quote from Joseph Prince...

"When you ask yourself, “Do I have enough faith?” you have already put faith as a hindrance between you and Jesus’ finished work. The more you focus on your faith, the more faith slips away. But if you focus on the finished work of Christ and see God’s grace toward you, God sees that as faith! Without realizing it, faith is there in your heart to believe that you will not die of what Christ Himself has already borne away completely for you, and you will see your miracle manifest!" - Joseph Prince

A while back, I realized that I had a sort of a hindrance with believing whether or not I had enough faith. If I sat there and pondered that, I could even bring myself to the point of asking if God was even real. That's kinda' scary, really.

I know it sounds crazy, but I prayed for a while that God would just prove Himself. Not so much in those words, but that was my prayer. He has, over and over, but He started by saying telling me to just not look at that doubt, and look to Him. As I look to Him, all else melts away and makes perfect sense.

I hadn't even thought about my original hangup about whether God was real or not until I read this. I know this quote is actually talking about healing, but the premise is the same - me looking to my faith got in the way. All I have to do is look to the finished work of Jesus. Just like the serpent in the wilderness - they had to look to it, and not to circumstances or anything else.

Oh, how He loves us!

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